May 30, 2010


そういえば、昨日の山中湖からの帰り、都留市で素敵な雰囲気の手作りPizza屋さんを見つけました。 個室を案内して頂いたんですがとても良い雰囲気でしたよ。


これは初めて見たなー♪ UPSじゃなければ時々見かけるんやけどね。


28日夜に愛車WH57 nanakoさんは初めての車検のために連れて行かれてしまいましたw
Jeepですねぇw ええw っぽいです。



富士山の周辺ってすごく好きで時々行くんやけど、そうですねぇ、80%ぐらいの確率で悪天候。 富士山に会えずに帰ってます。 たぶん私の片思いなんでしょう。昨日もそうでした。はっは。。。

moumoonは最高でした! 気温10℃とかなり寒くて辛かったけど。笑  ってかまさきくん人気がとても微笑ましくてー。笑 いやぁ、笑いました。 もちろん良い意味でねー。

昨夜、NHKでさだまさしの生番組やってました。 「今夜も生でさだまさし」 これ、なんだかつながっちゃうんですよ! 数年前に早稲田で同番組の収録(準備)に出会って、帰宅後に生放送を観ました。
昨夜はなんと甲府からの生放送。 んー、行ったよぉ?甲府w  やっぱり帰宅後に放送を見させて頂きました。

May 22, 2010


I got off NOZOMI17 at Fukuyama station to change the train to KODAMA743 then meet with my family.

新大阪で500系新幹線に出会う。なう。 車内は一気に関西弁で溢れる。

I go to Onomichi today. Now I waiting for be ready this bullet train at Tokyo station before 4.5hours trip.

May 16, 2010


中古でHISのH26XQT256AN、AGP(Radeon HD2600XT)を連休最終日に買ったんですが昨日まで頑張ってGiveupしましたw
OSも入れ直して全てzero startにしたんですがやっぱりdriverだけは上手く認識しません。

で、昨日新たにGetしたのが HIS HD4350 PCI です。 AGPバスの問題の可能性もあるかと思い、あえてのPCI。
まず、32bitのPCIスロットに挿してもBIOSで認識しません。 BeepCodeが1L2SなのでVGAがありませんってことですね。
ふと気付いたのが64bit PCIスロット。ちゃんと挿せるんですね。 で、ここだと認識して起動画面までは見えます。ですがWindowsの起動途中で真っ黒。 起動はしてるんですよ。 メクラで操作できるしw
はぁ、どなたかideaないでしょうか。。。 マザーは GA-7DPXDW です。 余計な時間をかけるなって?w  いや、だってこれまでも色々手をかけてきたマザーなのでどうにも諦めきれなくってw

May 10, 2010

JAL B773 at Osaka on May 9th 2010, tail scrape on landing

From The Aviation Herald

A JAL Japan Airlines Boeing 777-300, registration JA8941 performing flight JL-2016 from Sapporo to Osaka Itami (Japan) with 371 people on board, scraped its tail skid assembly on Osaka's runway before the crew aborted the landing and went around. The airplane landed safely about 45 minutes later. No injuries occured, the airplane received minor damage.

Japan's Transport Ministry said, that the runway was closed for about 30 minutes for an inspection which revealed scrape marks of 20 meters (66 feet) length and 15cm (6 inches) width on the runway. The airplane received damage to its tail skid assembly.

May 9, 2010


今日はSiberian Newspaperのliveです。
参加するのだ。 その前に昼寝したいな。






May 5, 2010

GeILのメモリ と AGP !?

実は先月書いた修理から戻ってきたGeILのメモリについてですが・・・。 メーカーで交換されて返却って事になってたんですがそいつを装着すると故障時と同じ現象が再現したんですね。
Superfetchを切ったり。 Slot入れ替えたりw

先日、ついに疲れ果てて購入店に再持ち込みして違うPlaformでテストしてもらったところ・・・ エラー出てんじゃないっすか!!!
どーゆーことっ!? ですよ。 交換されたHWがまた不良?? そんな事有り得るんですかね。。。

BIOSはほぼAUTOに戻して装着後2日間、めっちゃ元気です。 完全復活です。
はぁ、こんな事なら素直にすぐクレームしとくんやったw  疲れました。

古いPlatformのGA-7DPXDW、昨年暮れごろから不安定なんですよね。。。使ってる最中に一瞬フリーズ、マルチモニターの両方が順にblackoutしてしばらく待つと戻ってきます。 その後はdisplay driverが読まれていない時みたいに動作が極端に遅くなるんです。
ちなみに今のVGAはLeadtek A310 Ultra TD(Geforce FX5600) なんですが AGP8xなんですよね。MBは4xまでの対応なんですけど・・・ 規格の事、ちゃんと見ずに買ったので偶然動いてただけなんでしょうねぇ。 中古の4x、探すか。。。

May 4, 2010

これ・・・ むむむ? と思いません? 

なにかある・・・・のか? ねぇ?w

Source from The Aviation Herald

Incident: Delta Airlines B764 near Halifax on Apr 30th 2010, electrical problem
By Simon Hradecky, created Monday, May 3rd 2010 21:49Z, last updated Monday, May 3rd 2010 21:49Z

A Delta Airlines Boeing 767-400, flight DL-1 from New York JFK,NY (USA) to London Heathrow,EN (UK), was enroute at FL330 just entering Canadian Airspace near Halifax,NS (Canada) about one hour into the flight when the crew reported an electrical problem and requested to return to New York. The airplane descended to FL320 and landed safely in New York one hour later.

A Boeing 767-400 registration N829MH reached London with a delay of 5 hours.

Incident: Continental B752 near Halifax on May 1st 2010, multiple system failures
By Simon Hradecky, created Monday, May 3rd 2010 22:00Z, last updated Monday, May 3rd 2010 22:00ZA Continental Airlines Boeing 757-200, registration N34137 performing flight CO-110 from Newark,NJ (USA) to London Heathrow,EN (UK), was enroute at FL350 about 60nm south of Halifax and about one hour into the flight, when the crew reported the loss of weather radar and other electronics. The crew decided to return to Newark, where the airplane landed safely 3 hours later.

The airplane was repaired, departed again and reached London with a delay of almost 6 hours.

AN-12 crash at near CRK


from the Aviation Herald

Crash: ATMA AN12 at Mexico on Apr 21st 2010, fire on board
By Simon Hradecky, created Wednesday, Apr 21st 2010 16:22Z, last updated Thursday, Apr 22nd 2010 14:47Z

An ATMA Atyra Airport and Transport Antonov AN-12BP on behalf of Pacific East Air Cargo on behalf of UPS, registration UP-AN216 performing freight flight Q8-7815 from Mactan to Angeles (Philippines) with 6 crew, was on approach to Angeles' Diosdado Macapagal International Airport (formerly known as Clark Air Base), when the airplane impacted ground about 11nm southeast of the airport. The airplane broke apart, the front portion burst into flames. 3 crew (2 Russian, 1 Bulgarian) were killed, 3 crew (1 Russian, 2 Uzbekistans) received injuries and were taken to hospital.

Ground witnesses observed the airplane flying very low about 10.5nm abeam of the runways 02L/20R and 02R/20L over the village Laput, part of Mexico City (Pampanga province) before the airplane impacted a field near the village.

The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) reported, that the crew reported a fire on board a few minutes prior to impact with the crew attempting to get the airplane onto the ground immediately. All 3 flight crew (1 Russian, 2 Uzbekistan citizens) survived, the three other crew/passengers (2 Russian, 1 Bulgarian) were missing.

Later police in Mexico said, that the bodies of the three missing were found charred beyond recognition after the fire was put out.

The surviving captain said, that they had an electrical short developing into a fire on board. He decided to put the airplane down onto the ground immediately. The aircraft burst into flames before all crew could leave the aircraft.

This Mexico as well as this Angeles are located in the Philippines (not in North America - to avoid any confusion).

The airplane UP-AN216, MSN 402001, joined the fleet of ATMA in September 2009 arriving from Lao Air.

Kabuki za in Tokyo

One of the historical construction is closed its door and last 84years of history at April. 30th. The "Kabuki-za" is going to reborn as one part of new building structure...
I took this picture from my WH57 at around 2300 April 30th but there were lot of people around and watching, taking pictures of last scenery still.