Dec 26, 2010

NH3826 21Dec2010

RJBB-RJTT JA01MC Dep0648Z Flight Time 51m41s

Dec 21, 2010

Happy Birthday too!

On Dec.20th around 0400, my younger sister delivered her.  Her name is Kotowa. She is very strong! I don't say what happened but I'm sure she is great baby. lol

well, now, I have three nieces and one nephew...  got old.

Dec 9, 2010

Welcome to the world!

My youngest sister just delivered new family member yesterday. Already date has been changed so her birthday is December 8th, 2010.

I hope she grow up in warm and enough happiness forever. We are no doubt to give her our much loves as same as we are doing so for Angie and Mizuki.

Happy Birthday, Ema.


Dec 5, 2010

Siberian NewsPaper

今夜は渋谷のSpace Shower TV The DINERでSiberian NewsPaperのライブでした。


しかも、、、友人がBingoで無料券をGet!!! この娘、引きが強いゾ。 俺と大違いだ。


Siberian NewsPaper 右にYoutubeのアップがあるので是非♪

Dec 4, 2010

夢に16年ほど前に働いていた某グランドの同僚が出てきた!顔もなまえもちゃんと一致してたしー。 村野、浅野、柏木、、、あまり接点は多く無かったけど面白い子達やったなぁ。 なんだかほっこり。やわぁ。